The Get Screened Oakland HIV Prevention Campaign is: |
A public-private partnership under the leadership of Oakland Mayor Ronald V. Dellums and the Get Screened Oakland team (GSO) that focuses on increasing HIV knowledge, testing rates and condom usage in Oakland, CA. Set to launch in June 2010, this comprehensive, city-wide campaign is designed to enhance Oakland’s already-successful HIV testing initiative, through an increased focus on HIV education, awareness, and prevention. |
The Campaign’s Goals are: |
- To raise awareness and inform the public about HIV
- To increase the number of Oakland residents who know their status by increasing routine HIV screening
- To increase condom usage through increased condom visibility and availability
- (Longer term) to reduce the incidence and prevalence of HIV infection in the greater Oakland community
The Campaign’s Key Activities are: |
- Public Education: Distribution of materials to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and promote HIV testing, condom use, and other risk reduction behaviors
- HIV Testing: Provision of HIV testing information and linkage to rapid testing sites
- Condom Distribution: Distribution of condoms across Oakland’s small businesses, AIDS service organizations, community-based organizations, community clinics and medical centers, faith-based institutions, etc
- Volunteer and Community Mobilization: Engagement of community members to assist in outreach and public education
- Collaboration: Engagement of community and corporate stakeholders to support and scale the campaign
The Campaign’s Partners are: |
The Office of Mayor Ronald V. Dellums and the Get Screened Oakland team (GSO); The Alameda County Public Health Department/ Office of AIDS Administration (OAA); The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Business Responds to AIDS program (BRTA); The Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GBC); The Chevron Corporation, Levi Strauss & Co., the National Basketball Association/Golden State Warriors, Walgreens Co., and Young & Rubicam. |
How can Oakland business leaders help? |
Get involved and become an ambassador in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Oakland and the greater Bay Area! As a business leader, you can serve as a host site for public education materials, testing information, condoms, and more. Business leaders who want to get involved should call (510) 238-7070 or email getscreenedoakland@oaklandnet.com. |
What can Oakland residents do? |
Be part of this exciting campaign and help fight HIV/AIDS in Oakland! You can get involved by helping the GSO team raise awareness on HIV/AIDS, distribute public education materials and condoms - a scientifically proven method of HIV prevention - to your fellow community members. Staff and intern positions are available. See www.getscreenedoakland.com for more information. |